Hi everyone ! Not that I do not like a regular blog for my web site like I have been using for some time now, but I needed to have a little more organized and e-commerce site that I can work with. Not knowing the secret's to a clean and organized blogger with e-commerce I thought it would be best to go with something more my style and this my friends is it! I have not figured out how to re-direct my site at the moment but I will please just give me some time.
For now you can keep checking her for updates and continue to visit my blog to get to this site, which is really not that hard. :) Can not wait for my future activities on my site. I look forward to taking your orders soon!
4/28/2011 04:00:06 am

Hi! I'm following from VB. I have boys, but I really like looking at cute girlie things. So many friends having baby girls lately!
Really cute bows! (and when i get my baby girl puppy, she'll need bows. i'm getting a sheepdog!!)

4/29/2011 03:26:08 pm

I am here. I can't figure out where the follow widget is and so I'm just leaving a comment to let you know I am here. I wish I have a daughter but my kids are all boys! Do you make them yourself? You are very creative.

Kirsten (Kirsties Bowtique)
4/30/2011 07:41:20 am

Hi Ladies,
Thank you so much for visiting my web site .. I sent you both emails.

Hope you come back again soon ;)


5/3/2011 01:12:34 pm

Hi! I'm checking you out through the VB blog hop. I can't believe how adorable those little bows are! If only I had a daughter! I've got a son and I'm SURE my husband would kill me if I made him wear a bow! Boys seem to be the common theme here!

<a href>http://fivefeetoffun.blogspot.com</a>


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